Veterans Counselling Services (VCS) specialises in helping Serving and Ex-Serving personnel, including their partners and family.

We offer face to face consultations in Mildura, Victoria or telehealth appointments via Zoom Australia wide.

All consults can be fully funded by DVA Australia wide. VCS is a registered provider for Vic WorkCover for Emergency Services Personnel in Victoria.
Veteran's Counselling Services are accredited to provide Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Exposure Therapy (ET), Eye Movement Desentisitation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Arousal Reduction Strategies, Grief and Loss Counselling, and Supportive Counselling.

These therapies are used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, stress, post traumatic stress disorder, anger, adjustment to civilian life, sleep issues, and grief and loss.
Veteran's Counselling

Veteran's Counselling
Current Serving
Veteran's Counselling Services (VCS) specialises in helping Australian Defence Force and Emergency Services personnel that are experiencing stress or mental health issues to keep working.
Veteran's Counselling
We also assist members that have decided to discharge or were not able to keep working due to physical and mental health injuries. VCS have a good understanding that ADF and Emergency Service personnel can have difficulties in transitioning to civilian life. There are major losses of a comprehensive network of mates, work and purpose. We can be by your side during this adjustment.
Veteran's Counselling
Being the partner of an ADF or Emergency Services member has its unique challenges. VCS has extensive experience in assisting partners manage these difficulties.
Veteran's Counselling
VCS has spoken with many concerned family members who have loved ones in the ADF or Emergency Services. We can provide grief and loss counselling, anxiety management tools and advice on how to encourage their family member to seek help. VCS has seen many adult children of veterans over the years who struggle with mental health issues to a greater degree compared to their peers.